10 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, humans today are inseparable from the sophistication of information and communication technology, all people can enjoy the sophistication of today's technology, be it children, adolescents, adults, and even parents who cannot be separated from technology. In Indonesia, the age range is from 15 years to 24 years and is the largest user. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. The research subjects were 386 respondents and were active social media users. The measuring instrument used in this study uses an adaptation scale of dark triad personality by Jones and Pauhlus (2014) which consists of 26 items that the authors translate and adapt to the Indonesian culture. The purpose of this study was to describe the dark triad of personality among social media users. A dark personality is a personality that is dominated by negative behavior. The results showed 15.80% had high traits of Machiavellianism, 14.76% had high traits of narcissism, and 15.02% had high traits of psychopathy. Based on the results of the analysis of the mean value of personality factors based on the dark triad personality theory, it can be concluded that in general, the highest mean value is on the trait of Machiavellianism with a mean value of 21.09 and the lowest score lies in the characteristics of psychopathy, namely 11.20. Most social media users are Instagram with a percentage of 95.5% then Instant Massaging (Wa / Line) at 83.8% and Facebook at 53%.  The dark personality or dark triad personality is a personality that is dominated by negative behavior so that in the Islamic perspective it is included in the personality of anger, which means that the individual tends to the character of the body and teaches the principle of enjoyment

    Extraversion, Secure Attachment dan Perilaku Cyberbullying

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    Riset-riset sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan individual seperti kepribadian dan gaya attachment dapat memprediksi perilaku bullying dan cyberbullying. Meski demikian, masih ditemukan adanya inkonsistensi dalam temuan-temuan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini menguji apakah dimensi kepribadian extraversion dan secure attachment berperan dalam munculnya perilaku cyberbullying. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 199 siswa SMP.  Analisis regresi digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya skor extraversion memprediksi tingginya skor cyberbullying. Sementara itu rendahnya skor secure attachment memprediksi tingginya skor cyberbullying. Rekomendasi dan saran dijelaskan lebih lanjut dalam artikel ini

    The Relationship Between Self-Control and Learning Independence During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Independent learning is a form of desire and a sense of being able to learn on one's own accord, whether in the presence or absence of other people, to decide learning goals in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in solving problems. Individuals who have good learning independence will have good self-control so that they can control their actions both consciously and unconsciously. This study aims to determine the relationship between self-control and learning independence during the Covid-19 pandemic in SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru students. This study involved 123 students of SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru who were selected using a stratified random sampling technique. The measuring tool used in this study is the self-control scale, which consists of 16 items compiled by Sari (2022). And the learning independence scale totals 11 items compiled by Sari (2022). Data analysis used the Spearman Rho correlation analysis technique, the results of the analysis test obtained a coefficient of r = 0.053. This explains that there is an insignificant positive relationship between self-control variables and learning independence in SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru students

    The Impact of Social Media on Fear of Missing Out Among Z Generation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Generation z is also known as the gadget generation. This generation lives side by side with the development of gadgets and social media. In this digital age, the use of social media is a way of life. Social media is unavoidable and is expected to have an effect on its users, the general picture of the current literature is missing. Therefore, the aim of this systematic is to summarize research on the impact of social media on fear of being out of date among Generation Z. Our systematic search on the Science and Scopus webs yielded 30 eligible articles. Gen z or generation z born between 1997 and 2003 (what), indicates that they will be between 18 and 24 in 2021. The use of social media and FOMO by generation z can be a negative and positive influence depending on their position and capacity. A negative example is that generation z is always desirable. They are shown that Generation Z is a tech-savvy generation. Based on these systematic results, it shows that the habit of using one of the social media has an impact on the fear of being left behind in generation z. The use of social media cannot be separated from the life of Generation Z. So FOMO is one of the characteristics of generation z that distinguishes it from other generations. Fomo is commonly used in marketing, industry, and lifestyle, where generation z is the main subject

    Kualitas Pernikahan Pada Pasangan Muda di Pekanbaru: Penggunaan Media Sosial dan Kematangan Emosi

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    Marriage is an interesting topic to discuss. Uniting two individuals who have different backgrounds, characteristics, and traits that are not the same is not easy in marriage. Divorce rates are always increasing every year making research on marriage is still growing. Today's young couples are young individuals who are active in using social media, so it is very possible that these activities affect household life, especially the marriage process. The purpose of this study was to see how the relationship between social media use and emotional maturity in young couples. This research is a survey research with a quantitative approach with a research scale distribution. The scale used is the scale of social media use and the emotional maturity scale. The research sample consisted of 266 respondents who were young married couples in Pekanbaru City. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between the use of social media and emotional maturity. The results of the analysis test using the Product Moment Technique obtained a coefficient value of -0.638 with a sig = 0.000 (p <0.05) so it can be concluded that there is a negative relationship between social media use and emotional maturity in young couples. It can be interpreted that high social media use is associated with low emotional maturity, and vice versa, low social media use is associated with high emotional maturity. Based on the results of the study, it was also found that the use of social media was high and emotional maturity was very low in the research subjects


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    Post partum or the puerperium is a condition where the recovery period of the reproductive organs is like before pregnancy. Post partum is the period after a few hours after the birth of the placenta until the sixth week after giving birth. The time before pregnancy ranges from 6-8 weeks. The purpose of this study is to understand and apply acupressure to the ineffectiveness of breastfeeding in post partum mothers. This data collection technique uses interviews, observation, and literature studies. The implementation of the acupressure massage technique is carried out once a day, namely in the morning or evening. Acupressure massage is carried out at the meridian points for 5 minutes to facilitate breastfeeding. The assessment of breast milk products is carried out on the second to third day. The results of the case study that after the intervention of acupressure massage techniques can launch breast milk are evidenced by before the intervention the breast milk comes out a little and after the intervention the breast milk comes out smoothly and there is no damming of breast milk that occurs. It can be concluded that it is concluded that the technique of giving acupressure can facilitate the release of breast milk. Suggestions for this acupressure massage action are used as a permanent service procedure for mothers giving birth or who are breastfeeding and can help for further research to become a benchmark or reference so as to facilitate and assist researchers in their research

    Gegar Budaya Ditinjau dari Dukungan Sosial pada Mahasiswa Thailand Selatan (Patani)

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    Cultural differences experienced by Thailand Selatan (Patani) students with Indonesian culture can cause cultural shock to Patani students. Culture shock is a reaction of individual discomfort when entering a new environment. One of the strategies in reducing culture shock is to get social support. This research examines whether there is a correlation between social support and culture shock in Patani students at the Islamic University of Riau. The research method used is quantitative research. Data collection was carried out using a scale of culture shock and social support scale. Pearson product-moment analysis was used to test the proposed hypothesis. Participants numbered 52 people using saturated sample techniques. The results showed that a negative and significant relationship between social support and culture shock in Patani students at the Islamic University of Riau with the r = -0,276 with p 0,024 (p< 0,05). The conclusion from this study shows that the higher the social support, the lower the culture shock. The culture shock was predicted by social support of 7.6%

    Analysis of the 7s Framework of McKinsey in the UKM X Yogyakarta

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    UKM is a place for a group of citizens to develop skills in the business sector. The problem that often occurs is the lack of a working system. There is a weak system that regulates work patterns, both in individuals and groups. Another thing that was discovered was the lack of the ultimate goal of the UKM group. So that at work the human resources are only reasonable to fill spare time. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach by using interviews and observations as data collection methods. The subjects of this study were members of UKM X Yogyakarta. The assessment approach applied by researchers using McKinsey 7s at three levels of approach namely, organizations, groups and individuals. From the results of the study it was found that UKM X Yogyakarta still does not have clear objectives in running the business and there are also some members who lack good job communication skills. This makes UKM X less productive and unable to compete with other SMEs. Researchers provide goal setting training recommendations to all members of UKM X to be able to resolve the above problems

    Analisis Kebutuhan Pengembangan Organisasi Pada Kelompok Usaha X (Pendekatan 7s Framework Of Mckinsey)

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    Perkembangan era globalisasi menjadikan persaiangan dunia usaha dan industri semakin meningkat pesat. Usaha X termasuk kedalam usaha mandiri yang didirikan dengan tujuan mengembangan keterampilan serta perekonomian kelompok dari Usaha X, pada akhirnya Usaha X ini berhasil didirikan pada tahun 2020. Salah satu metode efektif yang dapat dilakukan untuk melihat efektivitas Usaha X adalah dengan menggunakan analisis 7s Mc Kinsey. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini ialah untuk Mengevaluasi efektivitas kinerja Usaha X dan Menganalisa kebutuhan pengembangan Usaha X berdasarkan hasil asesmen dan analisis yang dilakukan. Metode utama yang digunakan dalam deksriftif kualitatif dengan observasi dan wawancara yang menjadi metode pengumpulan data. Berpedoman dari hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan sasaran yang ditentukan pada awal untuk pengembangan terkait keterampilan individu sebagai pengurus usaha X belum jelas. Oleh sebab itu, Goal Setting Training dibutuhkan untuk psikoedukasi/pelatihan dalam usaha X untuk peningkatan kinerja untuk mencapai tujuan yang tepat dan jelas

    Korelasi Keterampilan Membaca Pemahaman dengan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi Siswa Kelas X Smk Negeri 10 Padang

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    This article was written to describe the correlation of reading comprehension skill with the skill of writing the text of the result of observation of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 10 Padang. This research is a quantitative research with correlational method. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people. The data of this research is the result score skill test reading comprehension and the result score skill test of writing the text of the result of observation. Based on data analysis and discussion, the following three things are obtained. First, the skill of reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 10 Padang is in good qualification (77,13). Second, the skill of writting the text of the result of observation of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 10 Padang is in more than enough qualification (69,63). Third, there is correlation of reading comprehension skill with the skill of writing the text of the result of observation of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 10 Padang because tcount>ttable (2,47>1,31)